PVC Windows in Malta

The Advantages of PVC windows are numerous. PVC windows are 100% recyclable and therefore save resources. Apart from being built to last many many years of service life, PVC windows are extremely easy to take care of and require minimal maintenance, simply wash you PVC windows with dishwashing liquid and they will look like new. PVC windows have excellent fire proofing, sound proofing, strength, durability, and stability, making them the obvious choice for your home
Window Systems
Our PVC windows have sound insulation and thermal insulation that exceeds local Energy Saving Regulation. Electricity costs will be reduced significantly.
There are various designs, featuring high quality characteristics: offset classic, semi-offset round and semi-offset squared-edged. Available in all RAL colours in different colour applications from acrylic,to wood grain including colours which include the shimmering aluminium look to uPVC spraying. This allows you to mix and match your doors and windows to best suit your needs and preferences.
Sound Proofing – Noise Pollution Damping
Sound proofing is absolutely essential in any urban environment. If you want to get a good night’s sleep you need peace and quiet, and scientifically a maximum level noise exposure of 25db. But without soundproofing, this level is impossible to achieve; these days, noise pollution is a major cause of stress and irritability. The neighbours’ loud conversations, the sound of unrelenting traffic is noise pollution that that can reach levels of up to 80dB. At AM Projects, with our low cost and simple designs, we can ensure a much healthier quality of life inside your home. We can offer you profiles that can go up to 47dB.
Energy efficiency
- AM Projects again offer diversity of profiles in all colours to suit clients’ needs and preferences,
- One of our standard profiles offer the following specifications and more
- 6 chamber profiles with profile thickness varying from 69mm to 76mm
- Uf value 1.1w/m2k with center seal
- Highest quality and excellent design
- Noise insulation values of up to 47dB (SSK 5) with appropriate glazing
- Water tightness tested to 9A (600Pa)
- Double to Triple seal
- Thermal insulation:Uw=0.93W/m2k(with appropriate glazing)
- Some systems offering 3 times more stability: 1xup to 5.9cm2
Contact us to view all the available profiles to suit your project.